How do you see The Graph protocol and subgraphs evolving in the future?

Aditya Verma
1 min readDec 22, 2020

I can see Every Application using The Graph Protocol in future, as It fills up a major gap.

Subgraphs can be used to sync data beforehand, so Analytics dashboards like Can be easily build over subgraphs. Infact actually uses a subgraph which has already indexed the data from blockchain and have exposed to a public API.

Making Analytic Dashboards which using aggregation could be really be a hectic and slow task without using the graph protocol.

Major major defi protocol have already have thier production subgraphs build on the graph and I see many more coming.

We can witnessed a hell lot partnerships coming for The graph maybe something similar to what we see now with chainlink. Basically Everyone single Dapp would be using Subgraphs instead of directly pulling onchain data.

Subgraphs not onlymake a developer life easy but this is true decentralization, Open APIs over blockchain that can be used by anyone.

